Medical Summarization Uncategorized

Medical Summarization – Boon to Legal and Healthcare Insurance Industry

Are you dealing with hefty medical records on a daily basis? I’m sure you are, since you chose to help those not so fortunate people around, who seek just a little care so that they can claim some insurance amount and get a living they deserve.
You are truly performing your duty for a noble cause. When I address ‘you’ I mean all the attorneys working solo or for a corporate firm or for some insurance company.
So what are those work areas where medical records come into play? The only thing we need to understand here is when a person is suffering from a disease or is disabled or is out of work for some medical reason, is where the medical records play a very important role in helping these clients win their claim money.
This may get covered under various sections, since attorneys/lawyers are the best judge for this portion and I’m only a doctor with vast understanding, not the expertise, to step into the legal field, still I will try quoting some sections here to give a basic idea. These include Social security disability claims, Worker’s compensation, Accidental injury claims, Personal injury claims, Psychiatric claims, Veteran claims, Life insurance claims, Criminal injuries compensation, etc etc.. All these include involvement of huge medical records so that attorneys pick and choose the right arguments that could help the decision to be made in favor of their client.

I could have simply jumped on to explaining about medical summarization process here but before that I wanted to provide clarity on the ‘where and why’ of encountering medical records so that we know the areas where medical summarization can be made full use of.

This gets us to another ‘what’ here.
What is medical summarization?
It is a process of categorizing and analyzing intricate medical data, and converting into medico-legally authenticated records. With advancement in medical technology, large amounts of medical data get recorded at various facilities every minute. Medical summarization ensures that all of this information is organized according to the litigation requirement of the client. KRS focuses on making your work easy and efficient.

Now let’s get started with the actual headline here – Why medical summarization is a boon to attorneys?
KRS offers fast-paced medical record summary services to amend complex medical data into concise high-quality medical records for easy assimilation. Then it, most importantly, helps you focus on your business growth and save your time and money – in this fast paced routine ‘time is money’! KRS offers pocket-friendly services meeting your demands with high-quality services and shortest TAT.
So for attorneys to have their business grow multiple fold all that is needed is to worry less and invest in outsourcing services that can save them all the tedious task of going through records, and have those handy in the form of 20-25 summary pages so that lawyers who already have to brainstorm on every step of their day can feel sorted before their case hearings.

Time to take the load off!!

I would like to receive your thoughts/feedback, it will help me put my ideas together in a better way next time!